Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Going Against the Grain

For a while now I’ve been struggling with my outline for a new story I’m mapping.  Not until today did I figure out why!  Really….just today I realized that I’m worried about the “rules”.  You know what I’m talking about.  Those lingering mandates that this industry demands.  They state how long your book should be.  They dictate what will make your book a good book.  Well, I call Bull!  Why does my book have to be that long?  Why does it have to be in that format? Why do I have to follow along with what every other writer is doing?  The answer?  I Don’t! 

I like writing novellas.  I like telling short, fast-moving stories that can be enjoyed although they may not follow the normal protocol. I’m not going to feel bad about that. I’m no longer going to allow those rules to paralyze me.  I’m going to stand proud knowing that my work is different than others.  Believe it or not there are readers out there who love short stories.  I’m one of them. Will I write that super long novel someday?  Maybe.  But for now I’m going to do what makes me feel good and will write what comes natural to me. Hi, my name is Jennifer, and I’m an author who writes novellas.

  I refuse to conform to the norm….

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Let's Get Real

Writing can be a fun and exciting process.  You start to learn and love the characters, illustrations, photographs, and real-life adventures that you've experienced along the way.  This is what I call the ga-ga phase.  You are completely submerged in your work.  It's what drives you.  This of course is my favorite part of writing.  Then, comes the next phase.  Your book is finished, and you are ready to show it off to the world.  This is what I call the holy-crapola phase.  You release the normal Facebook post letting your friends and family share in your joy, and it is very thrilling.  But, after a very short time, reality kicks in.  You, and you alone, have to market this beauty!!  That's where it begins to Get Real!  The endless emails, the constant tweeting and posting, the fairs and festivals, all while trying to connect with that one person who can send you and your book to the moon.

For a while I've struggled to understand why it's so hard. People should love me, right? People should want to read my books, right? Wrong!!  It's not their dream....it's mine!  It took me a while to realize that.  Over the past year I've learned so much from my accomplishments.  It isn't about the success.  It's about your inner love for yourself.  I'm still the same person I was before this all happened.  In fact, I'm better.  I've found my passion.  People go their whole lives never really allowing themselves to enjoy the one thing that makes them come alive.  I'm truly happy, and I'm learning more about myself every day. 

I encourage all of my friends and family to find what makes them happy....and DO it!  Our lives are short and fragile.  Embrace the wonderful gifts that you've been given.  Life is still a roller coaster, but at least I can say that I'm using what God gave me.  Are you?  I challenge all of you to follow your passions.  I'm not telling you to quit your jobs, I'm asking you to find what you love doing, and then take a little time out of each day to enjoy that gift.  I promise you....it will change your life.  Your daily stresses will start to dissipate, and you'll begin to be your best you!!  Happy day to you all!  God bless.


Click the link below to get your copy!!


Saturday, October 12, 2013

Barnes and Noble........
Today's post is short and sweet.  I logged onto my computer this morning and started to look around on the Internet.  To my great surprise I found my book, That's Mine, Sissy, on the Barnes and Noble website.  They are officially taking pre-orders.  This is one of my favorite days.  So, go ahead and check it out.  I have added the link below.  Have a great day!


Friday, October 11, 2013

Spirit Hunters

Here is a sneak peek of my Young Adult novel, Spirit Hunters, coming Summer, 2014.
When sixteen-year-old Holly Bristol learns that she will be spending the next six weeks on a South Carolina plantation with her Dad and his team of paranormal investigators her summer vacation is ruined. Only after she falls in love with Ryan, a young hunter, do her circumstances begin to look up. 
When a sequence of unprecedented events threatens devastating consequences for her Dad and his team Holly will uncover the horrible truth of  the Edmond Clark Plantation. To learn this truth she must face the evil that emanates in the halls and tunnels of the mansion. The ghostly entities she encounters will unravel the path to their salvation and force her  to unveil the curtain between the living and the dead.  

She must decide between her love and the inevitable demise of her new found friends. Holly must choose who she can trust to guide them
all out of the clutches of  danger.

Spirit Hunters is  the product of my ever growing infatuation of the paranormal.  Going from a Children's book to a Young Adult book has been a surprisingly easy transition.  I look forward to the future of this book and hope to grow the character even further. 

Jennifer Lang Boehl

And So it Begins.....

As I reach the official release date for, That's Mine, Sissy, I can't help but look back on how long this journey has been.  Perhaps, it goes all the way back to my years in High School and the excitement I got from handing in creative English papes.  Or, the stories I would make up for my friends.  I am not sure.  I just know that through the years this fire has been burning inside me waiting to be set free to explode.
At age 39, I can finally say I know what I want to be when I grow up.  Crazy, yes, but it is true.  I have kept this to my self for so long.  It feels so wonderful to let it out.  I have two beautiful children and a loving husband.  I have a beautiful life.  But, something always felt like it was missing.  It took me years to figure out that the answer was so simple.  I just needed to start being who I am, and who I was made to be.  A writer!
And so now, I write to you that I am accepting with great gratitude, my newly set free passion.  The first book to be published is, That's Mine, Sissy.  It is a cute, loving, Children's book about my twin daughters and sharing.  Right now, the book is available on the Tate Publishing website.
And on November 19, 2013, it will go live on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. 
I plan to blog about my projects separately.  I will do this because they are all so different.  This is the mind I live with, and I am loving it!  Thank you to who ever is reading this.  I hope to make many new friends through this adventure.  Have a blessed day!!